The Daily Press
Sunday January 21, 2007
From Gloucester To Westminster.......

A 10 week old Pomeranian named Macon,
held by Frank Fletcher, was a big hit last week among residents at a senior community in Gloucester. Macon belongs to Jennifer
and Junior Munn of Gloucester Point, who will show Pomeranian Thai, at the Westminster Kennel Club dog show next month.
Photos By Kenneth Silver/Daily Press
Little Dogs, Big Apple
By Jon Cawley, Daily Press, Newport News, Va.
GLOUCESTER -- When Thai the Pomeranian trots into Madison
Square Garden next month to endure the scrutiny of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show judges, the pooch will be cheered
from afar by loyal fans in a Gloucester senior community. The 5-pound pure bred, whose full name, Champion Achilles
Fit To Be Thai'd, dwarfs his diminutive stature, was selected to compete in the 131st running of America's most prestigious
dog show, which begins Feb. 12 in New York.
If Thai, as he's known at home, beats out 20 other
Pomeranians for Best of Breed, he would move on to compete in the Toy group and make a television appearance on the live broadcast
that night. He could advance to Best in Show, the most coveted award, but the odds are stacked against him. David Frei, a
Westminster Kennel Club spokesman, said, historically, terriers are the dominant breed at the competition.
Even so, Thai's acceptance into the Westminster ranks
marks a competitive highpoint for the 2-year-old dog and his owners, Gloucester Point residents Jennifer and Junior Munn.
The couple are something of an up-and-coming triple threat in the dog show world, as breeders, owners and handlers, of a brood
of Pomeranians that, including Thai, number eight adults and two puppies.
The Munns have traveled as far as Canada
to breed their dogs with other champions in bids to produce genetic perfection. Puppies that don't make the competitive cut
are spayed or neutered and sold to new owners who must pass a stringent vetting process. "The most important thing is that
they live happy lives," she said of the deciding factor in approving a sale. "I'm looking for someone that will really make
them a part of their family."
In a scant four years, the Munns have
gone from researching the breed and buying their first Pomeranian, to turning in ever-more-impressive performances while tramping
every other weekend to dog shows up and down the East Coast. They share extensive training, grooming and show handling
responsibilities -- a departure from common practices within the upper echelons of competition where owners often farm out
those jobs to professionals. Frei said that while breeder-owner-handler combinations are not uncommon, he's one himself, there
are large numbers of professionals handling dogs at Westminster for a fee. "Not everyone can run the length of Madison Square
Garden with a dog. The handler has to be athletic, too," Frei said. "But the heart and soul of the sport is the owner-handler.
It's great they are handling their own dog. "It gets people rooting for them."
But no matter the outcome of the two-day
competition, Thai will no doubt receive a hero's welcome from his biggest fans, the residents at the Assisted Living community
in Gloucester, where he regularly visits. On two weekends a month, Junior Munn brings Thai and one or two of their other Pomeranians
to the center where Jennifer Munn works as a nurse.
On a recent afternoon, about 20 of the
seniors awaited Thai in a sitting room. Facial expressions drawn down by time gave way in an instant to broad smiles and the
type of cooing and gentle cuddling usually reserved for grandchildren or the like. The room erupted in excited conversation
as the residents greeted the canines as if they were family members. Even the dogs appeared to smile.
"Some of these people won't come out of
their rooms except for the dogs," said Jennifer Munn's supervisor Lynn Smith. "It's amazing to see some of the reactions.
There's definitely a therapeutic side to it."Smith said the interaction lowers blood pressure and produces chemicals in the
brain that make the residents happier while reducing stress and anxiety. "It's very good for the dogs, too. They have to get
used to the crowds and noise in preperation for the show ring," Jennifer Munn said.
She says resident Ed Kelly always tells
her the dogs are really his own. He "woofs" a greeting to each dog placed in his large hands. "They are absolutely fabulous
-- intelligent beyond belief," Kelly said. "If only they would fit in my pocket."Another resident, Mary Plummer, is a New
Jersey native who said she attended Westminster's dog show every year while growing up. "I'd never thought I'd come here and
see champion dogs," Plummer said. While watching for Thai on television, Plummer said she'd be anticipating a strong finish.
"I think he is very well bred and mature enough. He's very intelligent," Plummer